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1 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 5:19:01pm

This one is almost perfect. No CGI, according to the press release, and it is not missed. Listen is in so many layers. And playing on something that is so common. It’s like the Twilight Zone twisted into Doctor Who. Or maybe the other way round.

2 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:02:39pm

Starting creepy.

3 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:03:26pm

Premise starts off creepier than Blink.

4 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:04:03pm

Every one having a bad night.

5 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:06:00pm

Mean students.

Clara has a mean, dark side.

6 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 6:09:17pm

Not sure if it’s mean or if she just doesn’t handle dates well.

7 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:10:21pm

re: #6 becominginvisible


I do the same thing.

8 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:10:47pm

Awwww, come on! Commercial?

9 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:16:05pm

Danny has a sad past. No parents?

This place is creepy central.

10 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:22:22pm

Clara is totally adorable.

Though, the paranoia is amazing.

11 Targetpractice  Sep 13, 2014 6:24:27pm

“Dad skills.”

First time in awhile the Doctor has touched on his family.

12 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:25:02pm

The 12th Doctor is far more willing to use his Time Lord powers than others in the New Series.

13 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:25:46pm

re: #11 Targetpractice

Not quite. They occurred a bit in 11th era.

14 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:26:32pm

Clara just crossed her boyfriends timeline.

15 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:31:05pm

Good job Doctor. :)


16 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:50:09pm

Remember this place?

17 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:52:51pm

She now has met the young Doctor.

We still don’t know his background.

18 Targetpractice  Sep 13, 2014 6:52:51pm


19 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 6:54:44pm

We now know his father didn’t think he would be a time lord.

20 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 6:57:22pm

re: #18 Targetpractice

Danny, Orson, and the Doctor are all blazingly apparent in her time.

And the Doctor doesn’t realize it yet

21 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 6:58:43pm

I am sure Kiran Shah is has no problem with playing characters that he is unrecognisable in but it still bugs me that he is unrecognisable.

22 Targetpractice  Sep 13, 2014 7:00:37pm

Anybody needs me, I’ll be picking up the pieces of my mind.

23 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:02:02pm

re: #22 Targetpractice

This episode means Clara created the Doctor. Or at least shifted his personality so that boy becomes the Doctor.

24 Targetpractice  Sep 13, 2014 7:03:35pm

re: #23 The War TARDIS

This episode means Clara created the Doctor. Or at least shifted his personality so that boy becomes the Doctor.

How appropriate. The man has played a part in his companion’s pasts time and again, it’s only fitting after all these years that we find out a companion is one who set him out on the path.

25 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 7:06:09pm

This Doctor doesn’t seem to realize it, previous Doctor did. And now Danny/Rupert/Orson is popping up the way she kept appearing every where to the eleventh Doctor.

26 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 7:07:59pm

(darn auto update comments isn’t working for me right now) That was responding to The War TARDIS comment 20

27 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:10:45pm

re: #25 becominginvisible

Rupert is Danny.

Orson is Clara’s great-grandson, presumably with Danny.

However, let me say this.

Time is in constant flux.

28 Targetpractice  Sep 13, 2014 7:14:10pm

re: #27 The War TARDIS

Rupert is Danny.

Orson is Clara’s great-grandson, presumably with Danny.

However, let me say this.

Time is in constant flux.

No kidding. The Doctor did something that, under normal circumstances, he shouldn’t be able to do, namely cross his own timeline. I guess that’s explained by the earlier comment about turning off the safeties.

29 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:17:42pm

re: #28 Targetpractice

Clara did that.

He was unconscious. Using her information to get places, the TARDIS took them to the Doctor’s child hood, some 3,400+ years earlier.

She gave him a fear of the dark, but gave him the power to become the Doctor.

He is completely unaware of where they landed. Or that Clara was there.

30 Targetpractice  Sep 13, 2014 7:19:41pm

re: #29 The War TARDIS

Clara did that.

He was unconscious. Using her information to get places, the TARDIS took them to the Doctor’s child hood, some 3,400+ years earlier.

She gave him a fear of the dark, but gave him the power to become the Doctor.

He is completely unaware of where they landed. Or that Clara was there.

Guess that’s an acceptable loophole, though I’m sure Moffat’s keeping it in his back pocket for a future story.

31 sagehen  Sep 13, 2014 7:28:24pm

The costume department has been very kind to Clara this year; much kinder than they ever were to Amy or Donna or Martha.

32 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:29:54pm

We also know now that the barn was on Gallifrey.

Also, Clara is now one of the few companion to be one Gallifrey. Twice in fact.

The others are Leela, Romana, Sarah Jane, Susan, The Brigadier, Tegan, and Turlough. And she is the only NuWho companion.

33 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:35:00pm

re: #19 becominginvisible

We don’t actually know if that is his father.

Moffat is dancing around the Cartmel Masterplan from the 80’s like a fiend.

34 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:41:10pm

re: #33 The War TARDIS

We have about 3-4 origin stories for the Doctor, including 1 that says he is half human.

Moffat still left that wide open.

35 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 7:45:06pm

re: #33 The War TARDIS

True. I assumed it was parents talking.

36 The War TARDIS  Sep 13, 2014 7:53:07pm

re: #35 becominginvisible

Moffat would cause a riot if he decided on one of them, as the fans of the other 2-3 would get really grumpy.

Doctor Who fans are a precious bunch sometimes, and by precious, I mean psychotic.

37 becominginvisible  Sep 13, 2014 8:18:46pm

re: #36 The War TARDIS

I’ve stayed away from the dedicated fan sites for just that reason. I prefer to just go along with the story line. Although I do/will have an opinion about how an episode works for me. I do expect the human characters to act…human.
Sorry I’ve been a bit distracted tonight, I have new neighbors that are having difficulty dealing with the fact that the neighborhood is close to a popular entertainment area and yet is not supportive of those who party loudly and frequently. I can hear the cops trying to explain it for the second time in two hours and it’s only just past 10pm.

38 William Barnett-Lewis  Sep 13, 2014 8:23:36pm

I usually don’t get to watch till Monday night. Looks like this will be another good one :D

39 sizzzzlerz  Sep 14, 2014 8:33:39am

While Listen was the best of the four episodes shown this season, in no conceivable way did it come up to the exalted standards of Blink. It started in a similar manner but it kind of fizzled out at the end without the payoff I was expecting.

40 Targetpractice  Sep 14, 2014 4:53:09pm

re: #39 sizzzzlerz

While Listen was the best of the four episodes shown this season, in no conceivable way did it come up to the exalted standards of Blink. It started in a similar manner but it kind of fizzled out at the end without the payoff I was expecting.

I kinda have to agree, while I like the occasional “Whatever happened…?” ending, I think the real mystery of the episode got sidelined. Perhaps it’ll get taken up at a future date, but right now it seems like a major contrivance just to put the characters in the necessary situation.

41 William Barnett-Lewis  Sep 15, 2014 7:17:52pm

re: #38 William Barnett-Lewis

I usually don’t get to watch till Monday night. Looks like this will be another good one :D

Ok, got to see it tonight.

Good stuff. Better, actually, than I expected from the talk here. The reveal was good, the back and forth between the Doctor and Clara after that initial reveal was critically good & important - the Doctor _must_ respect his companions. The inter-twingling of the various Timelines was cute as well.

I dearly loved the image of the war doctor…

Rupert is a lucky man…

42 De Kolta Chair  Sep 16, 2014 9:21:14pm

I’ve been a Dr Who fan since the early seventies, and this was one of the best episodes I’ve seen, Kudos all around.

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